

This coffee comes from our washing-station partners at Adado, which is in the kebele,or village, of Shara, in the woreda,or district, of Guanga, in the Yirgacheffe region. This coffee is named after the local tribe, “Adado.” In these coffees, typically apricots and peaches with supportive citrus and floral higher tones come together in a delightful cup. The Natural process of these lots really complement the typical profile of the washed coffee beautifully and even shine through the heavy berry overtones in a natural process.

Tasting Notes: Strong berry and mild floral notes, with a sweet cocoa finish, medium body and light acidity

If you would like your coffee ground, please tell us your preferred grind: Espresso, Paper Filter, French Press, or Other (please describe). Leave blank if you’d like your coffee whole bean.



This coffee comes from our washing-station partners at Adado, which is in the kebele,or village, of Shara, in the woreda,or district, of Guanga, in the Yirgacheffe region. This coffee is named after the local tribe, “Adado.” In these coffees, typically apricots and peaches with supportive citrus and floral higher tones come together in a delightful cup. The Natural process of these lots really complement the typical profile of the washed coffee beautifully and even shine through the heavy berry overtones in a natural process.

Coffees in Ethiopia are typically traceable to the washing station level, where smallholder farmers—many of whom own less than 1/2 hectare of land, and as little as 1/8 hectare on average—deliver cherry by weight to receive payment at a market rate. The coffee is sorted and processed into lots without retaining information about whose coffee harvest is in which bag or which lot.

Tasting Notes: Strong berry and mild floral notes, with a sweet cocoa finish, medium body and light acidity

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 10.75 × 7 × 4 in