People often ask, “why the name Arcadia?” Arcadia brings to mind different thoughts and feelings for different people. Originally a region of Greece and the domain of the god Pan, during the Enlightenment it came to mean “pastoral paradise,” a meaning for which it has since been applied to many places. It is also the title of one of Ryan and Liz’s favorite plays, by Tom Stoppard concerning the relationship between past and present, order and disorder, certainty and uncertainty.


manager | roaster

Ryan and Liz Jeffrey opened Arcadia Cafe in March 2011 just on the west edge of Iowa State’s Campustown. Arcadia Cafe offered the opportunity for Ryan to refine his coffee roasting craft and for Liz to bake for all of Ames! The current location may be different-but what happens inside is much the same. Local ingredients are used where we can and all the pastry, bread, snacks, and meals are handcrafted. We hope you enjoy our little piece of paradise in Ames.
Ryan: Want to start a coffee shop?
Liz: Only if I get to bake things there.
Ryan: Of course.
Liz: Sure.